Thursday, February 2, 2017


Our monthly meeting at the library will be on Saturday, February 18 instead of February 11 due to a scheduling conflict at the library.

The program for that day is Northern Pines Christmas Balls.

The coupon due is for Laura J. Perin's Spring Wreath.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 9, 2017


If our trusty weather professionals are correct, this Saturday, January 14, should be a good day to venture out to the library for some stitching!  This is an informal get-together, so bring along your current project, some juicy gossip, and any exciting news from your corner of the world!

We'll meet at 10am at the Center Township branch and if the mood strikes, will find a place for lunch.

If you are planning to attend and want to save a stamp, remember to bring your completed coupon and check for the Kurdy Biggs workshop.  Details were emailed to you earlier today, but I'll repeat them here:


Friday, March 31, 2017
Cost for the kit is $50
please choose either red or green canvas

Lunch (we will order in)
Cost $7

Saturday, April 1, 2017
"Crescents and Crystals"
Cost for the kit if $50

Lunch (we'll order in again)
Cost $7

In order to preserve privacy, I won't post Miss Charlene's information to the blog.  If you are interested in attending and would like to mail a coupon and check to reserve your spot, please comment here and I will send you all of the info you need!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


It is with great anticipation that we launch a new way to access information about the Hoosier Heartland Chapter of ANG.  Here you will find the latest newsletter, chapter information, membership updates, and posts from and for members of our guild.

This is an open forum, designed to spark creativity, answer questions, and enrich our experience as needleartists.  All are welcome to comment, participate, and show off their latest masterpieces, and we look forward to an engaging and positive atmosphere!